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₹159.00 ₹143.00
Adhunik Europer Itihas O Poribesh-9 (2024)/ আধুনিক ইউরোপের ইতিহাস ও পরিবেশ-৯(২০২৪ )
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Itihas O Paribesh Reference, Class-10 (2024) / ইতিহাস ও পরিবেশ রেফারেন্স
₹440.00নতুন পাঠ্যসূচিকে সঠিকভাবে অনুসরণ করা হয়েছে । খুব সহজ – সরল ভাষায় রঙিন ছবি, চিহ্নিত চিত্র, তালিকা, টেবিলের মাধ্যমে বইটি উপস্থাপিত করা হয়েছে ।
₹395.00The present book, which is beyond the constraints of rigid periodization, is an endeavour to challenge certain stereotypes relating to Islam, Sufism, folk-songs and inter-community relations in the South Asian context. By consulting Persian, Urdu, Bengali and English sources, the present work suggests that Sufism was more heterogeneous and complex than we are prepared to accept.
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₹395.00The present book, which is beyond the constraints of rigid periodization, is an endeavour to challenge certain stereotypes relating to Islam, Sufism, folk-songs and inter-community relations in the South Asian context. By consulting Persian, Urdu, Bengali and English sources, the present work suggests that Sufism was more heterogeneous and complex than we are prepared to accept.
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